APAV participated in the event "Hack for Good"

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Hack for Good is a development technology marathon (“hackathon") in which the main focus will be the search for innovative solutions that respond to problems related to the aging of the population.

With this challenge, the Gulbenkian Human Development Program aims to stimulate and attract the interest of young talents to develop technological solutions with social impact. During two days (the 23rd and 24th of April) around 157 engineers, programmers, designers, managers and other professionals, organized into 36 teams from all over the country, gathered at the headquarters of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon.

They interacted with seniors, health professionals, researchers and caregivers. The study was conducted in multidisciplinary teams and in an intensive marathon programming and prototyping to explore the potential of technology in order to face the challenge of aging, which makes Portugal one of the 28 Member States with the lowest population renewal rates of working age.

APAV participated in the event as “Mentors experts in the area of wellness and health.”