Miscellanea #13 | Special Edition 30 Years APAV

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The Portuguese Association for Victim Support presents the number 13 of the Miscellanea APAV. This special edition of the magazine ends the year in which APAV celebrated 30 years. 2020 wasn’t the year of celebrations that we had planned. In fact, it was particularly challenging year.

The photographs in magazine, by Rui Nunes-Costa, are part of APAV campaign, 30 year for Victims Rights. Over the past 12 months, 30 personalities have shared the reasons why they support the APAV and have joined this campaign. All messages show that APAV is an organization of people and for people.

Bruno Brito's memory image is also present in this special edition. Bruno's brand spanned several APAV areas of activity and mission, making an invaluable contribution to new areas and innovative intervention models

This isn’t an edition to read, but to leaf through, remember and feel. It is, above all, an edition that seeks to honor all and everyone who, more directly or indirectly, has contributed so that APAV can continue to pursue the defense of the rights of victims of crime. Thank you to everyone!

Miscellanea APAV # 13: 

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