APAV hosted the visit of students from Rhode Island College, USA

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In a partnership with FLAD - Luso-American Development Foundation, APAV hosted the visit of a group of students from Rhode Island College, USA, from 10-20 July. Following a first APAV presentation meeting, two preparatory meetings followed, with the students presenting the final result of their work on 20 July at FLAD. The group brought together a total of nine students: Stephanie Brodeur, Keighan Roy, Kelly Smith, Edwin Jorge, Auder Aldana, Casey Ganshirt, Roberto Soler, Nelida Silva and Vanessa Ruggieri; under the guidance of Professor Leslie DiManna. The students presented three proposals for communication and fundraising events, that will be implemented during the year 2018.

APAV starts collaboration with Slave Free Trade

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APAV is excited to announce that we have just started a collaboration with Slave Free Trade. Slave Free Trade is an association committed to eliminating modern slavery in business supply chains – be it at a clothing factory or at a coffee plantation. According to the Global Slavery Index, 45.8 million people are trapped in slavery right now – and we would like to help slavefreetrade to fight against it. Our collaboration will focus on raising awareness about the prevalence of slavery, contributing to the adoption of laws to protect victims of slavery and human trafficking, informing consumers, and providing support to the victims. We are looking forward to working with Slave Free Trade on our journey for justice and a fairer world.


APAV mourns Barcelona’s victims

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Photo: AS

Europe was once again hit by terror on 17th August. APAV mourns for Barcelona's victims and it is solidary with friends, relatives and communities affected by the incident.

Terrorist attacks like this one in Barcelona have a devastating effect in direct and indirect victims. It’s imperative that the ones affected by these attacks receive some support, to be able to develop strategies to deal with imediate and future consequences.

RAFAVH - APAV network of support for family members and friends of victims of homicide - is available to support any Portuguese which has been affected or had lived the attack, as well as his family and friends. 

RAFAVH | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Linha de Apoio à Vítima | 116 006 (working days, 9h-19h)

Portugal on the Higher Level of Anti-Trafficking Policies

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The United States Departament of State released the Trafficking In Persons Report (June 2017), which analyses the measures adopted by diferente governments to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings.

Following the past few years, Portugal obtained once again the higher classification - Trier 1 -, for having adopted all the necessary efforts to improve anti-trafficking policies.

The TIP report highligths that the Portuguese government demonstrated serious and sustained efforts by increasing the number of investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and victims identified, and also the legal ammendments to protect exploited workers and to extend criminal liability of recruitment agencies and temporary work agencies.

It also highlighted the importance of the involvement of NGOs in the fight against human trafficking and the efforts by the Government to maintain the three shelters to assist and protect victims of human trafficking that exist in Portugal – one of them is run by APAV and shelters woman victims of human trafficking and their children.

To learn more about human trafficking, please visit our website: No to Trafficking

Trafficking In Persons Report

II European Conference on Domestic Violence | Porto | 6-9 September 2017

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Following the success of the I European Conference on Domestic Violence, held in Belfast in 2015, the II European Conference on Domestic Violence will be held from 6th to 9th September 2017 at FPCEUP - Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, in Porto, Portugal. The organization of this Conference is the result of a collaboration between FPCEUP, UMAR, and APAV.

The II European Conference on Domestic Violence will bring together researchers, academics, doctoral students, practitioners, and policy makers, and is designed to:

- Connect research and intervention within the field of domestic violence;
- Exchange knowledge, good practices and methodologies which best contribute to the protection of victims and to the eradication of domestic and gender violence
- Share scientific results which inform the construction of social and legal policies regarding domestic and gender violence
- Promote networking among professionals and experts in this field
- Develop research and practice networks, methods and tools on preventing and combatting domestic violence.

For more information: