Have you been a victim of sexual violence?


If you are or have been a victim of sexual violence and you realise that you cannot manage the consequences of what happened, it is very important to ask for help from someone you trust!

Remember, especially, that:

  • Nothing that is happening is your fault: neither the violence you have suffered, nor the consequences you are experiencing;

  • Nothing you may have said or done is a reason for someone else to force, trick or persuade you into sexually violent acts;

  • Your body is yours! No one has the right to force you to have sexual contact against your will (including the people closest to you);

  • The person who assaulted you is the only one responsible for what happened.


It's very important that you also use strategies for your protection!

  • If the person that assaulted you is someone you know, avoid being alone with that person. If you need to do it, try to do so in the presence of other people you trust or in public places;

  • Avoid being alone and walking in places you don't know well;

  • Do your activities with other people with the company of other persons (your friends, for example);

  • Record phone contacts in your mobile phone that are important, so you can ask for help more quickly if needed;

  • If you think you are in danger, go to a safer place or to a place that has more people;

  • In an emergency situation dial 112. Tell to the person that answer the phone what's your name, where are you and what happened as calmly as possible. After explaining what is going on, the professional will send you the necessary means to protect you.


Some of the information on this website has been simplified so that it can be understood by everyone. This simplification does not, however, put in question the accuracy and correctness of the contents. The content of this website was created by APAV as part of the CARE plus project, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The content reflects the point of view of APAV, which cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.