APAV Publishes the Magazine Miscellanea #12

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APAV presents its 12th edition of Miscellanea APAV. The magazine publishes cientific and reflexion articles on topics related to crime victims and to victim support.

This is a special edition that brings together 4 articles on: Domestic violence and victim support services: challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and measures implemented, by Cátia Pontedeira; Victims of sexual violence in the context of armed conflict, by Filipa Ribeiro Pereira; Men and boys victims of sexual violence, by Ângelo Fernandes: and the Victims of filioparental violence in Spain, by Ana L. Cuervo García. This edition of the Miscellanea APAV Magazine is illustrated with photographs by Deolinda Santos.

Miscellanea APAV #12:
PDF | E-Book


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Logo Premio Investigação 2020 dygdtfs

The Portuguese Association for Victim Support promotes the award ceremony of the APAV Prize for Research 2020 on December 10th, at 11 a.m, at the Atmosfera M space, in Porto.

The APAV Prize for Research, instituted by APAV with the support of the Montepio Foundation, is intended to reward scientific research work on topics or problems related to the Association's mission.

At the ceremony, the winner of the sixth edition of the APAV Prize for Research will be announced.

APAV promotes a new awareness campaign about Domestic Violence

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Marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, celebrated on November 25th, the Portuguese Association for Victim Support presents a new awareness campaign. This campaign was developed by the creative agency Mustard, in collaboration with Clara Amarela and Digital Azul. The campaign warns of the consequences of ignoring signs, such as verbal violence, control and distrust, both on the part of the victim and the neighbors and other close people.

See domestic violence with your ears. For many victims it all starts with words. If you hear them, don't ignore them.

“What happens on the Internet is not just on the Internet”

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"What happens on the internet is not just on the internet" is the motto of the new awareness campaign of the Portuguese Victim Support Association. Data breaches, phishing, online scams, grooming, sextortion, cyberbullying and hate crimes are the seven themes for which it is intended to alert, with the objective of preventing online victimization and promoting the dissemination of the support services of the Safe Internet Line (800 219 090).

This campaign was developed creatively by the agency CARMEN / YoungNetworkGroup and was promoted in ROAR Project: Empowering victims of cybercrime.

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