APAV statistics: children and youngsters victims of crime and violence 2013-2018

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The Portuguese Association of Victim Support releases the reports: APAV Statistics: Children and Youngsters Victims of Crime and Violence 2013-2018 and Infographics: Supporting Children and Young People Victims of Sexual Violence (January 2016-May 2019).

Between 2013 and 2018 APAV supported more than 5600 children and youngsters victims of more than 9500 crimes. And between january of 2016 and may of 2019 the CARE Network supported 881 children and young people who were victims of sexual violence, as well as 140 family and friends.

APAV has been devoting special attention to this issue since January 2016 with the creation of the CARE Network, a specialized support network for children and youngsters victims of sexual violence.