APAV Publishes the Magazine Miscellanea #12

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APAV presents its 12th edition of Miscellanea APAV. The magazine publishes cientific and reflexion articles on topics related to crime victims and to victim support.

This is a special edition that brings together 4 articles on: Domestic violence and victim support services: challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and measures implemented, by Cátia Pontedeira; Victims of sexual violence in the context of armed conflict, by Filipa Ribeiro Pereira; Men and boys victims of sexual violence, by Ângelo Fernandes: and the Victims of filioparental violence in Spain, by Ana L. Cuervo García. This edition of the Miscellanea APAV Magazine is illustrated with photographs by Deolinda Santos.

Miscellanea APAV #12:
PDF | E-Book